I have been using the name "lone_psychotic_nut" for a long long time on MSN, and after a few additions over the years my rather permanent display name is now 52 characters long without spaces. Over 20 years of experience in talking in circles for over 20 years. Like this.
Since I banyak free, I decided to sabotage Ivan's pics >D
Sushi King
Sabotage Ivan's pic [2] xD
Sabotage Ivan's pic [3] xD
don't mind me.
Inside Red Box. OMG it was so dark my gambar-gambar banyak gelap. Use flash tak jadi, don't use flash also tak jadi =\
Cake. Specially baked by Ivan, Lip Boon, and Shu Yi (who according to reliable sources apparently : used a hammer to crush Oreos and almost destroyed a mixer when beating dunno what) for the birthday girl. Tasted not bad tho. Really =)
I drank! ...Pepsi Twist -_-
Again, don't mind me.
That's it. Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebration Wei Ning =D